Free For All
GALLERY HOURS (during exhibitions)
Monday - Saturday, 11am – 4pm
Open Thursdays until 7pm

The almost ubiquitous internet acronym IRL, which stands for “in real life,” suggests a bifurcation of lived experience. Denoting a fracturing of reality, it breaks life into two domains: one existing in the connections between servers on the internet, and the other in the realm of lived experience. While this fragmented reality was more conceivable in the internet’s early existence, younger generations are growing up in a world where one’s IRL and online selves are often indistinguishable. As Orit Gat wrote in 2018, “a word to differentiate between time spent online and offline isn’t very handy after smartphones, which all but ensure we’re never actually offline.”


“These tweets have my location?” reads the text below a photograph of orange trees shot by artistic duo Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman.

Yes, they do.

That point is proven by the two photography educators who have combined their talents for a project called “Geolocation.”

Their exhibit, which features photographs taken at a variety of locations where tweets were posted, is on display at the College of Charleston’s Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art through early March.

The art does not include identifying information, geographic data or any outside context. It just includes a photo with the original tweet below. And while sometimes the subject matter and caption make sense together, other times they might not seem necessarily connected at all.

“Cars are nothing but money pigs #hateit #waitingsucks #impoor” reads the tweet beneath a picture of an auto shop.


The Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art will host its next in-person gallery, Larson Shindelman: Geolocation, Jan. 15-March 5. The body of work, according to the Halsey, explores the connection between text and image and public versus private.

Artistic duo Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman assembled the exhibit using Twitter. Utilizing publicly accessible geographic data from tweets, the artists tracked down locations where a Twitter user posted something. Once there, they took pictures of each location and printed it with the tweet at the bottom of the picture.


Halsey Director Retiring After 26 Years at the Helm

Thu Dec 10, 2020
The College Today

Some might wonder why colleges and universities have art museums and may even question the value of the museum to the institution. Mark Sloan, director and chief curator of the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston, has dedicated the last 26 years to answering that question. During his tenure, the Halsey Institute has been transformed from a small, sleepy gallery to a vibrant space with engaging, imaginative shows that drew visitors both near and far and introduced the community to innovative contemporary art.

“All the liberal arts disciplines come together in one place at the Halsey Institute; the humanities, arts and sciences are presented in conjunction with educational programming that includes discussions, film screenings, lectures, conferences and panels,” says Sloan, who is retiring at the end of the month. “People from across campus and all over the world are involved in Halsey programming.”


Mark Sloan was tired of the stereotypes, of how people thought of southerners as slow-talking, slow-thinking bumpkins.

So he set out to change those perceptions.

The result of his efforts is the photo exhibit “Southbound: Photographs of and about the New South,” now showing at the LSU Museum of Art.

Sloan, director of the Halsey Institute of the College of Charleston, and the institute’s curator-at-large Mark Long began working on the project six years ago.

What started with a search for images developed in one of the most comprehensive projects about the American South ever assembled.


What inspires a writer, a musician or a dancer? Some seek inspiration in nature. Others are inspired by places and people. This semester, English, dance and music students were tasked with seeking inspiration from the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art’s exhibition Dis/placements: Revisitations of Home, a virtual exhibition featuring 10 artists whose work deals with issues of displacement from their homeland.

Halsey associate director Lizz Biswell ’08 says the staff wanted the Dis/placements exhibition to function as a multifaceted digital humanities project. Each artist, whose work had previously been shown at the Halsey, was paired with a writer from the community who offered their response to the concept of home. Biswell and her team took the collaboration a step further by engaging students to create art based on the exhibition.


Now more than ever, the pandemic turns our thoughts and hearts homeward. Whether confronting the isolation of being closed in, or, at other times, the pain of being shut out, our current paradigm hits home for everyone.

With that in mind, the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art this fall rolled out “Dis/placements: Revisitations of Home,” a project that takes place over the remaining months of 2020 that sheds vital new light on the universal subject.

The project features 10 artists drawn from previous partnerships with the Halsey and whose works grapple with issues of displacement from their ancestral homeland. Each presents works that speak to their own reminiscences of home.


Mark Sloan retiring as Halsey Institute director

Fri Oct 09, 2020
Charleston City Paper

Mark Sloan, director and chief curator of the Halsey Institute for Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston, announced today that he is retiring at the end of the year.

“It has been a grand adventure so far, and a privilege to serve as the director for Charleston’s contemporary art museum and to watch the concomitant explosion of contemporary arts programming throughout the region over these last two and-a-half decades,” he said in a statement Friday.

Sloan has been a museum curator for 37 years, receiving his current position as director and head curator at the Halsey in 1994. According to his statement announcing his retirement, 245 shows have been hosted at the Halsey under Sloan’s leadership. In 2012, the state gave Sloan and the Halsey the Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Award for the Arts for its art initiative throughout the state.


Mark Sloan, director and chief curator of the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, announced Friday he will leave his post at the end of the year.

Sloan has run the Halsey for 26 years, bolstering his reputation for mounting exhibitions of works by many lesser-known as well as several very well-known artists.

He worked his path in a relatively conservative arts environment, often thrilling patrons with imaginative and provocative shows, most of which included an array of ancillary programming such as artist talks, gallery tours, documentary films and impressive catalogs made in collaboration with local designer Gil Shuler.

The Halsey, named for Charleston native William Halsey, a respected modernist painter and sculptor who died in 1999, is part of the College of Charleston. It was located in a small front corner of the Simons Center on St. Philip Street when Sloan arrived in 1994.


Arts are out in full-force virtually and in person

Sat Aug 22, 2020
Post & Courier

This fall, the arts and culture scene in Charleston may emerge in a different form than it has in the past, but it still promises ample inspiration. If artists and practitioners have demonstrated anything of late, it is their ability to remain creative and responsive to the times, shifting platforms, forging new content and connecting in whatever manner possible to uplift and entertain us all.

With its standing track record of video art installations, documentaries and film screenings, Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston continues to deliver resonant, relevant content to the campus and the community. At the same time, Redux Contemporary Art Center highlights emerging and established artists from Charleston and beyond.




Free For All
GALLERY HOURS (during exhibitions)
Monday - Saturday, 11am – 4pm
Open Thursdays until 7pm

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