We asked fall 2021 intern Sarah to complete a writing activity from our teaching packet for Namsa Leuba: Crossed Looks. She chose one of the collage activities. This is an image of Sarah’s collage. Why don’t you try making one as well! You can see this activity and all the other writing prompts by clicking here. Even if you can’t make it into our galleries to do this activity, you can still see Crossed Looks by checking out the virtual exhibition!
Here are our steps for the collage activity:
1. On a piece of paper write down 10 attributes or characteristics that describe you/what you love about yourself.
2. Sort through old magazines, clipping out photos or pictures that visually remind you of those attributes and characteristics.
3. Glue your clipping on the other side of your paper to create a colorful “All about Me” collage. Let your personal style shine through, adding drawing and paint to fill the page!
4. Share with a partner and tell them why you chose these certain images.