Free For All
GALLERY HOURS (during exhibitions)
Monday - Saturday, 11am – 4pm
Open Thursdays until 7pm

Engagement Activity | Crossed Looks

Thu Nov 11, 2021

We asked fall 2021 intern Sarah to complete one of the “Questions for Viewing” from our teaching packet for Namsa Leuba: Crossed Looks. She chose a question that asks viewers to translate a visual work into a written description then see if a friend can find the piece you are describing.

Below are Sarah’s description is below. Why don’t you try it for yourself? You can see this activity and all the other writing prompts by clicking here. Even if you can’t make it into our galleries to do this activity, you can still see Crossed Looks by checking out the virtual exhibition!

Our Questions for Viewing activity:
Choose a photograph, it can be any one in the exhibition. Write a description of the artwork to the best of your ability. Now, have a partner read that description and try to guess which photograph you are describing. Repeat this process with a series of photographs. Is it easier or harder to talk about the artworks as groups or individuals? Why do you think that is?

I chose, Olu, 2017 from the Weke series created in Benin pictured above.

My description: Two figures are linked, one blue and the other silver, bound by chains and powerful strength. Half of their bodies stand strong, presented above a sandy landscape. They have an intimidating face on, intimidating the viewer as their fits are clenched in tight fists, ready for a fight. The setting is dark, with light flickering over their bodies.

When I described this to a friend they picked this out right away, however this is because the figures stand out amongst the others. It was fun to have someone else visualize an image the way that you see it.

Free For All
GALLERY HOURS (during exhibitions)
Monday - Saturday, 11am – 4pm
Open Thursdays until 7pm

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