Centrifugal energies
a fury of destruction
apocalytic visions
John Michel Monkey Paintings are so human in their desperate urgency
unleashing chaos
alerts the eye
the mind
fingers burrowing their path in the ink
revealing and concealing
“We carry within ourselves the bloody apparel of destruction”
Baudelaire’s words (from Flowers of Evil) resonate inside
in the heart of artistic creation and human destiny
Carcasses, ribs, bones,
skulls and gnarled limbs
a storm of scattered flesh
tendons, nerves,
muscles, exploded oesophages,
not so random after all
speed birth
the inner drama of life
when it battles for life
Blake, Soutine, Dali…
smiling in their tombs as they recognize themselves in
these Monkey secretions
so humanely desperate and yet so heavenly loaded
uncomfortable expressions for uncomfortable images
by Bea Aaaronson